Hello Bakers!
Here is the recipe for the Peach galette, from making the dough through assembly and baking. The show is archived here and on Instagram @bakingwcolette and here is the link: https://youtu.be/Gp_ElXu5xVo the demo starts at minute 6:50. This dough can also be used for pie crust. It’s and easy and relaxed Summer bake. This is not limited to peaches, any stone fruits will work - berries too.
Give it a try and if you post please tag me - I love to see your beautiful work.
Yield: 1 12” Galette
Serves 6-8
Large bowl, bowl scraper, pastry blender, strainer or sifter, scale, baking tray lined with parchment paper or a silpat.
Peach Galette MEP
250g All flour flour
29g Sugar
1g Salt
170g Unsalted Butter, cubed and chilled
117g Ice cold water
Fruit - 1 # of peaches, pitted and thinly sliced, you can also use nectarines, apricots, plums and cherries.
Small amount of melted butter (43g - 1 ½ ounces) for brushing fruit and top crust
Small amount of sugar to sprinkle on fruit and crust before baking. * Any sugar will work you can use:
Sanding sugar, Turbinado, or Granulated sugar
Sift together flour, sugar and salt in the large bowl.
Dot the chilled cube butter over the dry ingredients and cut the fat into the flour with
a bowl scraper or pastry blender. Cut until the fat looks about the size of cornflakes.
The small pieces of butter should be visible.
Add the cold water and mix with the bowl scraper - keeping the mixture in the bowl and mixing the dough until the water is fully mixed in and the dough is a cohesive mass.
Keep using the bowl scraper to lift and fold the dough over onto itself - this helps work the water into the dough.
Flatten the dough into a disc, wrap in plastic wrap and chill for 2 hours
Dust the work surface with flour and roll the dough out into a 12” circle and move to the parchment or silpat lined ½ sheet pan
Dust the center with the streusel or breadcrumbs.
Cut fruit into thin slices and place on a streusel in a fan pattern.
Brush the fruit with melted butter and the crust.
Brush fruit and top crust with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar.
11. Bake at 375 degrees for 40-45 minutes until crust is a deep golden brown
57g All purpose flour
28g Sugar
28g Brown sugar
1g Cinnamon (½ teaspoon)
57g Chilled and cubed unsalted butter
Whisk the dry ingredients together in a medium bowl.
Cut in the butter using a plastic bowl scraper. The final mixing can be done by hand. Be careful, work quickly and do not let the heat of your hands melt the butter.
There should be no more visible pieces of butter in the streusel and it should be crumbly.
Streusel keeps 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator and up to 6 months in the freezer.
Peach Galette with a few raspberries…..